Thursday, July 29, 2010

Say It With Hair

You can say a lot with shedding.

Well, I can, anyway!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Crunchy on the Outside

Peanuts are wonderfull.
I have heard there may be some that have two nuts inside.
All of mine have only one.

They are fun too.
First, eat a hole in the shell.

Then, eat the chewy part inside.

Finally, eat the rest of the shell.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Heart New Projects!

This is my old phone book.

Ankles got me new ones.

She says the Marina Market has hundreds!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


There were so many comments on my last post.
I am speechless.
Ankles says we have lots of new blogs to check out!

I love you, Fans!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ho-o-o It's Magic

Sometimes my Nut Knot is here.
Sometimes there.
Nobody sees me move it.
They think it moves by itself.
They think it is magic.
It is not.

I move it by telekinesis.
One of my many bun skills.
Buns have been fooling people for a long time.
It's easy.
People are gullible.

Example: Magician pulls rabbit out of hat.
Everybody thinks the magician did it.
They are wrong.
It was the rabbit.
The magician was a stooge.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Opera Box

Mary Shelley went into my Opera Box.
Nothing came out.
That is because Mary Shelley only knows one chord.
It's chord-ur-oy!



Silver, you are assuming that everyone knows Amahl and the Night Visitors is an opera.

I told you.
My peeps are smart.

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Box

"This is my box!
"This is my box!
"I never travel
"without my box."

Silver, it's too obscure. Nobody is going to know that song.

My fans are erudite.

Even RG won't know that song.

RG can google it.