Friday, September 4, 2009


My big brother sent me these. How nice! He doesn't live here, I know him only by the smell. You can tell a lot by the smell. That's how I know he is a buck. The smell.

I know he is a rabbit. It's the hair. It is everywhere! He doesn't even live here! It's everywhere.

Ankles says he can eat one of these in one bite. He is the worlds biggest rabbit!

He sent two kinds. The pellet shaped ones are delish. They are very hard. Take a long time to eat. The poop shaped ones are not good. The shape is not a coincidence.


d. moll, said...

Nice pressies, Silver, demand every week, I think...

Deb Cushman said...

Yes, staying away from the poop-shaped ones is probably a good idea, especially if they aren't very good!

The Bunns said...

A big brother. OH Silver - lucky you. But you know - big brothers do like to play tricks on little brothers!

Bae Bae said...

That's very nice of your big brother to send you those yummy presents. ;)

~ Bae