Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yesterday, Ankles made me new cage mats.
The mats are good because my cage floor is too slippery. It's a good cage otherwise. It's very homey. I like to rest in here more than under the chair.

Ankles peels the corrugated so it is comfy and not slippery.

Hairy Ankles asked
"Why does she need new ones?"

She replied
"Too much ambience."

That is OK with me. I have more.


Anonymous said...

Good job on the mats, Silver!

Ankles is a very dedicated bunny slave, peeling mats every other day for you :p

Deb Cushman said...

Looks like you were quite creative in your design for the mat! Ankles seems to be doing a good job keeping you supplied with new mats to chew!

The Bunns said...

Keep up the good work Silver ... we are sooooooooo proud of you!

YowlYY said...

Nice work Silver... wanna join in with Miss Eve? She is a nice cardboard shredder too - she might even eat a bit of it every now and then...

Anonymous said...

Ahah, bunny's masterpiece!