Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tasty and Not So Tasty

Regarding my phone books:
Yes, Breathe, the Ls were tasty.

The Zs, not so much.


The Fab Furs said...

Of course, zucchini is too common a taste for a refined bun such as yourself. Do you have any favorite letters other than L?

d. moll, said...

Silver you are hard to please.....

Unknown said...

Zuccini is not for everyone. But you gave it a sniff, right?

Or could you tell from across the room?

Susan (and SmokeyBlue in spirit) said...

How were the O's? Oregano is blooming right now and very tasty.

bunnits said...

But it is such a pretty zucchini. Ah, well...

Glenna said...

Hmmm. How about the Cs for cilantro?

RG said...

So - the best is NOT last!

Lisa said...

Mom and Jon tried to share their zucchini with us for the first time on Saturday, and we didn't touch it!

Anonymous said...

Zucchinis are so blah.. try bananas!

SixBunnies said...

My bunz won't eat zucchini either, Silver. I think it's too slimy and smells funny ...