Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Discriminating Collector

These are just two of my many phone books.

Pretty nice.
Don't you think?


SixBunnies said...

Silver, thank you for showing us your treasures! You have done a very nice job personalizing them!

Glenna said...

What a nice collection. I am worried, though, that the 'net may replace the phone book. I am picturing you, eating the net and scattering it about.

The Fab Furs said...

Silver,maybe you should stockpile phone books for your future consideration. And keep your collection a secret. If the advertisers with AT&T realized that they were getting charged $120,000/yr for a 1 page ad that was in a phone book given out usually free of charge that ultimately got shredded by a rabbit, they might rethink their advertising placement.

Unknown said...

I imagine the Ls were tasty.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! ~Lando Bun

bunnits said...

Wonderful collection. Thanks for sharing them and your creativity.

d. moll, l.ac. said...

There is whole art genre of altered books, SIlver is way ahead of the pack in technique, style and concept.

Karen M said...

You do stunning work, Silver. Do you work in any other media?

Cara said...

Altered books?
Is that mixed Media?
It could be fun.

Do I work in other materials?
And wire.
When I can get it.
It's hard to find.

RG said...

You work for Big Brother do you Silver?

The Bunns said...

Look under the "W" Silver ..

Lisa said...

Looks OK to us, except we prefer to destroy things our mom actually needs.