Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hop-la Espanol

This is my favorite spot for noontime stasis.
It is secluded behind the pot in the corner.
I can see a lot if I open my eyes.


RG said...

Looks cozy - room for more there Silver?

Anonymous said...

That's is a very nice sleep spot

d. moll, said...

Yes, Silver, you almost match the rug.

Lisa said...

What a perfect little spot. It has that feeling of close space buns love, but not so tight that it's cramped and you can't flop out if you feel the urge. and it's right by the door/window(?) for some nice sunspots! But not too much sun.

good spot.

Susan (and SmokeyBlue in spirit) said...

Is that pot cool? Our Mom leaves us jugs of ice and we like to lick and sleep by them too.

Ankles is a good mOm too.

Glenna said...

Pssst--Silver, you've forgotten to chew those books. Our buns chew books and highly recommend it.

Unknown said...

Nice spot. Do you shed there too?