Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sydney and Tyler and Amelia and Harriet eat rosemary.
They are nuts.
Rosemary is not food.


d. moll, said...

We think you are a very picky eater.....of course there are four of us so the competition is a little stiffer, this makes everything seem like food.

Hef's Mom said...

I don't rosemary, too much like pine needles for me so Hef hasn't tried it. My word verification is oveno oddly enough with the herb talk.

Lisa said...

Of course it is. Anything is food, if you eat it. Including the couch, the rug, bed sheets, cd case...

Mom likes rosemary lots, but she stopped giving it to us because she read something about how too much of it can lead to some kind of toxin buildup in rabbits, or something like that... Of course, d. moll would know better, she's the herbologist!

Unknown said...

Are you sure?
It's about time you came back. How is the cuddle cup?

Cara said...

The cuddle cup is a good throwing toy.
It bothers the Evil Stepsisters.
I am getting an Oxbow grass Bungalow in the mail.
Good thing Ankles has her mastercard on file with Foster's and Smith.

d. moll, said...

WE don't eat much Rosemary, it does have some good things in it. I hadn't read about the toxic build-up I don't know everything.....

d. moll, said...

Cruising around it looks like it is the essential oil that is toxic, Rosemary is listed in several places as OK in moderate amounts. Still all things in moderation or not all !